Manitoba's latest anti-democratic move

Author: Adrienne Batra 2004/12/22
Province to restrict citizens and citizens groups spending limits during elections

WINNPEG: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) responded to Premier Doer's announcement that his government will proclaim the Election Finance Amendment Act which will restrict citizens and citizens groups to spending limits during elections.

"Today's announcement is the latest in anti-democratic moves this government has bestowed upon the people of Manitoba," stated Provincial Director Adrienne Batra. "Once this piece of legislation is proclaimed, citizens and citizen groups will be limited to spend only $5,000 during an election, whereas political parties can spend up to $1 million."

In May of 2004, the Supreme Court of Canada upheld the federal government's gag law restricting citizens and citizens groups to spending limits during elections. "Since the Supreme Court's ruling, Premier Doer had a decision to make, either tear up the legislation or just follow the federal government's lead - today's announcement speaks volumes of his views towards openness and accountability," added Batra.

Under the new rules, "partisan third-party advertising" will be limited to $5,000 during the writ, but will remain unlimited outside of the election period. A committee of broadcasters and media representatives has been formed to define what the definition of partisan advertising will be.

"These limits obstruct freedom of speech and give political parties a monopoly on ideas and debates during an election. It also forces citizens of Manitoba to comply with a new set of onerous rules or face a significant fine up to $50,000," said Batra. "The CTF will hold the Premier to his word that there will be a broad interpretation of what "partisan" advertising actually means," concluded Batra.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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